5 Tips to Organize Your Workout Routine

“I’m going to start my day tomorrow with a run, it’ll be great!” confidently says Tuesday night you. Turns out, Wednesday morning you can be a real jerk sometimes. You accidentally overslept and thus had to rush and cram in what was supposed to be a relaxing work out.
To boot, you couldn’t find the shorts you like running in. All the other pairs you have seem to ride up uncomfortably and you inadvertently flash your neighbors when you’re simply trying to get some exercise in. You end up in a frazzled state and think, “Ugh, I’m just not someone who can get it together enough to consistently work out!”
Sound familiar? We’ve all been there, myself included. Try these tips to help make your work out routine much more seamless:
Wear Clothes That Fit
As I mentioned above, we’ve all had that particular sports bra or pair of leggings that just do not cooperate when we are trying to break a sweat. Why hold onto them then? Imagine how much easier it would be only choosing from a small selection of your favorite work out clothing that you know supports you well and you feel confident wearing. Try holding on only to workout clothes that fit well and work with your movement, and not against it.
Pre-Pack Your Gear
Pre-pack an outfit for each day of the week you intend to work out. This takes the guess work out of choosing your workout outfit when you’re pressed for time each morning. Store a week’s worth of gym outfits in a gym bag in your car, if you have one, or nearby your front door, and rotate out each outfit as you use it. Try keeping a mini laundry bag with you so you can easily discern the used versus fresh gym clothing.
Store Like With Like

Keep all workout gear or equipment in the same spot and put items back when finished. I like to do work out videos at home, so I store my yoga mat and weights in a small basket next to my TV. When I’m finished, I simply place the items back in the basket so they’re readily accessible for the next day.
Schedule Workout Time
Schedule time on your calendar and treat it as a non-negotiable meeting. Blocking out time on your calendar to fit in your workout will help you visually see how often you’re actually working out and help keep you accountable.
Pre-pack an outfit for each day of the week you intend to work out. This takes the guess work out of choosing your workout outfit when you’re pressed for time each morning. Store a week’s worth of gym outfits in a gym bag in your car, if you have one, or nearby your front door, and rotate out each outfit as you use it. Try keeping a mini laundry bag with you so you can easily discern the used versus fresh gym clothing.
In conclusion, putting in just a bit of extra effort beforehand will always set you up for work out success. Now, you can be that person who consistently works out in the morning.
How do you organize your workout gear or routine? Let me know in the comments below!