Tips Round Up

Over the past few years, I have been fortunate enough to be featured in several articles. As we all have the attention span of a goldfish, I know snippets of tips sink in easier than blocks of text. So here is a round-up of each of the tips:
- Make your bed every day as a small promise you can keep to yourself, and start the day off on the right foot.
- Don’t feel obligated to hold onto gifts you don’t like or want out of guilt. The piece was given and received, so feel free to send it to a new home, because there’s someone out there who will appreciate it.
- Aim to keep your kitchen functional and fuss-free to get the most impact out of this important area. One way to do so is to keep your counters clear of any non-essential, non-daily use items.
- It’s very common for bathrooms to get overcrowded with excess toiletries and medicines that simply aren’t needed or used every day. Take advantage of any place you can carve out some real estate that is otherwise overlooked storage opportunities like the back of the bathroom door, the inside of a closet door, or a mounted bin or rack on the wall.
- It’s easy for a basement to become a catch-all space for piles of junk, towers of boxes, and a mishmash of other things you have been unable to make decisions about. Challenge yourself to keep this space minimally filled to avoid it becoming a dumping ground. Take a quarterly inventory of the items you keep in your basement to ensure it remains as scant as possible.
- When it comes to keeping kids’ rooms organized, a great technique is to approach it like a kid would. Pick a section to work on, and then literally sit on the floor with your kid and go through each type of toy. Teaching children from a young age to own their items puts the onus on them to routinely assess their belongings and maintain their own spaces. By practicing the task of putting things away where they belong, you’ll enable your kids to be independent, make their own decisions, and have great organizational skills for life.